Backlash - vertaling naar spaans
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Backlash - vertaling naar spaans

Backlash (film); Backlash (album); Backlash (disambiguation)

reacción violenta
(n.) = reacción violenta, repercusión negativa
Ex: Publishers increasingly worried about the bottom line and hesitate to publish books that may be an invitation for backlash from groups opposed to homosexuality.


¦ noun
1. a strong and adverse reaction by a large number of people.
2. recoil or degree of play arising between parts of a mechanism.



Backlash may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Backlash
1. discrimination, backlash.
Race in America Beyond Black and White _ Frank Wu _ Talks at Google
2. intelligent backlash.
Breaking Out _ John Butman _ Talks Google
3. backlash against the Irish backlash against the Italians--
Upwardly Global _ Nikki Cicerani & Sussan Khozouri _ Talks at Google
4. great deal of backlash.
Breaking Out _ John Butman _ Talks Google
5. But that also had some backlash, unfortunate backlash.
Good Eats 3, The Later Years _ Alton Brown _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Backlash
1. But Lasn does know that Internet discussion about the movement has grown, and so, too, the backlash –– against the backlash.
2. They are already very angry‘. ‘Potential for major backlash‘ Scotland Yard is already keenly aware of the potential for a major backlash.
3. "Instead of putting on concerts to coincide with this, what they should be doing is warning people." Backlash This backlash has event organisers concerned.
4. Speaking of his fears of a backlash Mr Saeed said: "In some ways it was expected as there was a backlash after September 11 and 7/7.
5. A Latino backlash against the Republicans could hurt their nominee for president, even as a backlash against illegal immigration could help some Republicans running for Congress.